Food RecipesSnacks Recipes

Homemade Shawarma Bread on a Pan

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Homemade Shawarma Bread is easy to come up with.

Hello friends, how are you doing today? Trust you are doing great?

I’m going to be share with you how to make perfect Homemade Shawarma Bread on a pan.

It’s so easy to make, even if you’ve not made Shawarma Bread for the first time. Carefully reading this post, will teach you, and you will definitely get it from the first try.

This Homemade Shawarma Bread was of course made at home, with few ingredients, you’re good to go.

Also Read: How To Make Cake without Oven

Shawarma Bread is also called pita bread. The ingredients of Shawarma Bread is similar to ordinary bread we all know and consume almost every day.

This Homemade Shawarma Bread recipe is plyable and foldable to any direction without breaking, and I know that is the kind of pita bread you would love.

Shawarma on the other hand is everyone’s delight. Children and adults love and enjoy Shawarma.

Also Read: How to make bread without Oven

Shawarma we know has fillings. What we’re discussing in this post,is the wrap which is called Shawarma wrap, known as Shawarma Bread or pita bread.

Other similar snack with fillings are meat pie, fish pie, sausage rolls to mention but a few.

Also Read: How to Make Very tasty and light Nigerian Pancakes

Continue reading as I unleash the ingredients and procedure.

To Make Homemade Shawarma Bread on a pan

Homemade Shawarma Bread


  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 and 1/2 tablespoons yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon powdered milk
  • 10ml vegetable oil
  • 280 ml warm water.


  1. In clean plate put yeast, add sugar, add warm water to activate the yeast and stir, cover and set aside
  2. Sift in flour in a clean dry bowl, add salt, sugar, milk mix to combine.
  3. Pour the activated yeast to the flour,mix to get a dough.
  4. Add vegetable oil to the dough continue to knead till non sticky.
  5. Grease the bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough, cover and leave for 45 minutes.
  6. Transfer the dough on a flat surface,knead fo few minutes,grease your palm to avoid the dough sticking to your palm.
  7. Divide the dough and spread using rolling pin
  8. Place on a low heated pan, leave for 5 minutes and flip over to the other side.
  9. Put in a damp towel and use.

Watch the practical video below to see how to make this easy Shawarma Bread at home.

Leave your thoughts in the comment below.

See you in my next post.Eat well and stay healthy.


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