Food Recipes

Milk Candy Recipe

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Milk candy recipe is so delicious. Today I’ll be sharing with you on how to make this candy at home so this is basically a homemade candy.

The juicy thing about making milk Candy recipe is, you only need only two ingredients. Surprising right?  It’s also very easy to make.

From the name, you can deduce it’s made with milk. There are other types of candy such as fruit candy and the likes. We also have coconut candy loved by many.

While growing up this was one of the candies I enjoyed and I wondered how it was made. Little wonder did I know you can come up with it at home. Once you practically see how it’s made you can easily come up with yours.

I’ve not come across anyone who doesn’t love Milk Candy. Children love it as well as adults.

So long it’s candy, could be any type, children love it.  It can also be used as a pacifier for children. That’s one tactics that has worked for me .LOL!

If you’re someone that has children you can make a good amount of Candy and store it. It can stay as long as you want provided it’s well-preserved. 

You might be wondering how long can milk candy stay and how can it be preserved? All you need to do is to get an airtight container, store your milk candy and make sure the lid is very tight. That way your candy can stay as long as you want provided no air was trapped.

Milk Candy Recipe

To make this goodness in your kitchen all you need is your pot and two common ingredients which are readily available.

Watch the easy practical Step by Step  YouTube Video Tutorial to see how to make Your Homemade Milk Candy recipe

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Thank you and see you in my post.


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